I realized that I will likely live to 80 years old. I looked up CDC website to found life expectancy of US is 77.7years. Though I am not senior yet, I have several old friends and often think about how I like to live my life when I am 70 or 80 years old. Since I am Japanese descendants my life expectancy probably even longer.( see about.com)
I went to two parties to celebrate longevity of Japanese American seniors yesterday.
One was a late New Year’s party of Hyakudokai. Hyakudo means hundred years and still active. We were one of few attendants under 60 years old and my husband was one of few non Japanese descendants.
4 seniors were awarded to be 80 years or older. One awarded man was 96 years old and was in a good shape.
Another party was for our friend and ex-neighbor, Jake, whom I invite to our Japanese dinner Thursdays. The party was to celebrate his 90 years old birthday. About 100 people were at a Chinese restaurant. His families, friends, and his church members were there. People spoke about Jake how they met Jake. Jake built his church with his wife, taught and helped many children of his church members. 6 ladies played music for Jake. Jake played harmonica with his best friends. Jake looks very happy and told everyone that he get younger and younger every day.
This is an example of someone who has many friends live long and happy life.